Source code for sprockets_influxdb

Sprockets InfluxDB
`sprockets_influxdb` includes both a buffering InfluxDB client and a Tornado
RequestHandler mixin.

Measurements will be sent in batches to InfluxDB when there are
``INFLUXDB_TRIGGER_SIZE`` measurements in the buffer or after
``INFLUXDB_INTERVAL`` milliseconds have passed since the last measurement was
added, which ever occurs first.

The timeout timer for submitting a buffer of < ``INFLUXDB_TRIGGER_SIZE``
measurements is only started when there isn't an active timer, there is not a
batch currently being written, and a measurement is added to the buffer.

import contextlib
import logging
import os
import random
import select
import socket
import ssl
import time
import uuid

    from tornado import concurrent, httpclient, ioloop
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    logging.critical('Could not import Tornado')
    concurrent, httpclient, ioloop = None, None, None

    from tornado import routing
except ImportError:  # Not needed for Tornado<4.5

version_info = (2, 2, 0)
__version__ = '.'.join(str(v) for v in version_info)
__all__ = ['__version__', 'version_info', 'add_measurement', 'flush',
           'install', 'shutdown', 'Measurement']

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

REQUEST_DATABASE = 'sprockets_influxdb.database'
USER_AGENT = 'sprockets-influxdb/v{}'.format(__version__)

except NameError:  # Python 2.7 compatibility
    class TimeoutError(Exception):

_base_tags = {}
_base_url = 'http://localhost:8086/write'
_batch_future = None
_buffer_size = 0
_credentials = None, None
_dirty = False
_enabled = True
_http_client = None
_installed = False
_last_warning = None
_measurements = {}
_max_batch_size = 10000
_max_buffer_size = 25000
_max_clients = 10
_sample_probability = 1.0
_stopping = False
_timeout_interval = 60000
_timeout = None
_trigger_size = 5000
_warn_threshold = 15000
_writing = False

[docs]class InfluxDBMixin(object): """Mixin that automatically submits per-request measurements to InfluxDB with the request duration. The measurements will automatically add the following tags: - Request :data:`handler` - Request :data:`endpoint` (if enabled via a named URL) - Request :data:`method` - Request :data:`correlation_id` (if set) - Response :data:`status_code` To add additional tags and fields, use the :meth:`~sprockets_influxdb.Measurement.set_field`, :meth:`~sprockets_influxdb.Measurement.set_tag`, :meth:`~sprockets_influxdb.Measurement.set_tags`, and :meth:`~sprockets_influxdb.Measurement.timer` methods of the ``influxdb`` attribute of the :class:`~tornado.web.RequestHandler`. """ def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): self.influxdb = Measurement( application.settings[REQUEST_DATABASE], application.settings.get('service', 'request')) super(InfluxDBMixin, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) if _enabled: handler = '{}.{}'.format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) self.influxdb.set_tags({'handler': handler, 'method': request.method}) pattern = None if hasattr(application, 'handlers'): pattern = self._get_path_pattern_tornado4() else: pattern = self._get_path_pattern_tornado45() if pattern: endpoint = pattern.rstrip('$') else: LOGGER.warning('Unable to determine routing pattern') endpoint = request.path self.influxdb.set_tags({'endpoint': endpoint}) def _get_path_pattern_tornado4(self): """Return the path pattern used when routing a request. (Tornado<4.5) :rtype: str """ for host, handlers in self.application.handlers: if host.match( for handler in handlers: if handler.regex.match(self.request.path): return handler.regex.pattern def _get_path_pattern_tornado45(self, router=None): """Return the path pattern used when routing a request. (Tornado>=4.5) :param tornado.routing.Router router: (Optional) The router to scan. Defaults to the application's router. :rtype: str """ if router is None: router = self.application.default_router for rule in router.rules: if rule.matcher.match(self.request) is not None: if isinstance(rule.matcher, routing.PathMatches): return rule.matcher.regex.pattern elif isinstance(, routing.Router): return self._get_path_pattern_tornado45( def on_finish(self): if _enabled: self.influxdb.set_field( 'content_length', int(self._headers.get('Content-Length', 0))) self.influxdb.set_field('duration', self.request.request_time()) self.influxdb.set_tag('status_code', self._status_code) self.influxdb.set_tag('remote_ip', self.request.remote_ip) add_measurement(self.influxdb)
[docs]def add_measurement(measurement): """Add measurement data to the submission buffer for eventual writing to InfluxDB. Example: .. code:: python import sprockets_influxdb as influxdb measurement = influxdb.Measurement('example', 'measurement-name') measurement.set_tag('foo', 'bar') measurement.set_field('baz', 1.05) influxdb.add_measurement(measurement) :param :class:`~sprockets_influxdb.Measurement` measurement: The measurement to add to the buffer for submission to InfluxDB. """ global _buffer_size if not _enabled: LOGGER.debug('Discarding measurement for %s while not enabled', measurement.database) return if _stopping: LOGGER.warning('Discarding measurement for %s while stopping', measurement.database) return if _buffer_size > _max_buffer_size: LOGGER.warning('Discarding measurement due to buffer size limit') return if not measurement.fields: raise ValueError('Measurement does not contain a field') if measurement.database not in _measurements: _measurements[measurement.database] = [] value = measurement.marshall() _measurements[measurement.database].append(value) # Ensure that len(measurements) < _trigger_size are written if not _timeout: if (_batch_future and _batch_future.done()) or not _batch_future: _start_timeout() # Check to see if the batch should be triggered _buffer_size = _pending_measurements() if _buffer_size >= _trigger_size: _trigger_batch_write()
[docs]def flush(): """Flush all pending measurements to InfluxDB. This will ensure that all measurements that are in the buffer for any database are written. If the requests fail, it will continue to try and submit the metrics until they are successfully written. :rtype: :class:`~tornado.concurrent.Future` """ flush_future = concurrent.Future() if _batch_future and not _batch_future.done(): LOGGER.debug('Flush waiting on incomplete _batch_future') _flush_wait(flush_future, _batch_future) else:'Flushing buffer with %i measurements to InfluxDB', _pending_measurements()) _flush_wait(flush_future, _write_measurements()) return flush_future
[docs]def install(url=None, auth_username=None, auth_password=None, submission_interval=None, max_batch_size=None, max_clients=10, base_tags=None, max_buffer_size=None, trigger_size=None, sample_probability=1.0): """Call this to install/setup the InfluxDB client collector. All arguments are optional. :param str url: The InfluxDB API URL. If URL is not specified, the ``INFLUXDB_SCHEME``, ``INFLUXDB_HOST`` and ``INFLUXDB_PORT`` environment variables will be used to construct the base URL. Default: ``http://localhost:8086/write`` :param str auth_username: A username to use for InfluxDB authentication. If not specified, the ``INFLUXDB_USER`` environment variable will be used. Default: ``None`` :param str auth_password: A password to use for InfluxDB authentication. If not specified, the ``INFLUXDB_PASSWORD`` environment variable will be used. Default: ``None`` :param int submission_interval: The maximum number of milliseconds to wait after the last batch submission before submitting a batch that is smaller than ``trigger_size``. Default: ``60000`` :param int max_batch_size: The number of measurements to be submitted in a single HTTP request. Default: ``10000`` :param int max_clients: The number of simultaneous batch submissions that may be made at any given time. Default: ``10`` :param dict base_tags: Default tags that are to be submitted with each measurement. Default: ``None`` :param int max_buffer_size: The maximum number of pending measurements in the buffer before new measurements are discarded. Default: ``25000`` :param int trigger_size: The minimum number of measurements that are in the buffer before a batch can be submitted. Default: ``5000`` :param float sample_probability: Value between 0 and 1.0 specifying the probability that a batch will be submitted (0.25 == 25%) :returns: :data:`True` if the client was installed by this call and :data:`False` otherwise. If ``INFLUXDB_PASSWORD`` is specified as an environment variable, it will be masked in the Python process. """ global _base_tags, _base_url, _credentials, _enabled, _installed, \ _max_batch_size, _max_buffer_size, _max_clients, \ _sample_probability, _timeout, _timeout_interval, _trigger_size _enabled = os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_ENABLED', 'true') == 'true' if not _enabled: LOGGER.warning('Disabling InfluxDB support') return if _installed: LOGGER.warning('InfluxDB client already installed') return False _base_url = url or '{}://{}:{}/write'.format( os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_SCHEME', 'http'), os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_HOST', 'localhost'), os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_PORT', 8086)) _credentials = (auth_username or os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_USER', None), auth_password or os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_PASSWORD', None)) # Don't leave the environment variable out there with the password if os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_PASSWORD'): os.environ['INFLUXDB_PASSWORD'] = \ 'X' * len(os.environ['INFLUXDB_PASSWORD']) # Submission related values _timeout_interval = submission_interval or \ int(os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_INTERVAL', _timeout_interval)) _max_batch_size = max_batch_size or \ int(os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_MAX_BATCH_SIZE', _max_batch_size)) _max_clients = max_clients _max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size or \ int(os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE', _max_buffer_size)) _sample_probability = sample_probability or \ float(os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_SAMPLE_PROBABILITY', _sample_probability)) _trigger_size = trigger_size or \ int(os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_TRIGGER_SIZE', _trigger_size)) # Set the base tags if os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_TAG_HOSTNAME', 'true') == 'true': _base_tags.setdefault('hostname', socket.gethostname()) if os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT'): _base_tags.setdefault('environment', os.environ['ENVIRONMENT']) _base_tags.update(base_tags or {}) # Seed the random number generator for batch sampling random.seed() # Don't let this run multiple times _installed = True'sprockets_influxdb v%s installed; %i measurements or %.2f ' 'seconds will trigger batch submission', __version__, _trigger_size, _timeout_interval / 1000.0) return True
[docs]def set_auth_credentials(username, password): """Override the default authentication credentials obtained from the environment variable configuration. :param str username: The username to use :param str password: The password to use """ global _credentials, _dirty LOGGER.debug('Setting authentication credentials') _credentials = username, password _dirty = True
[docs]def set_base_url(url): """Override the default base URL value created from the environment variable configuration. :param str url: The base URL to use when submitting measurements """ global _base_url, _dirty LOGGER.debug('Setting base URL to %s', url) _base_url = url _dirty = True
[docs]def set_max_batch_size(limit): """Set a limit to the number of measurements that are submitted in a single batch that is submitted per databases. :param int limit: The maximum number of measurements per batch """ global _max_batch_size LOGGER.debug('Setting maximum batch size to %i', limit) _max_batch_size = limit
[docs]def set_max_buffer_size(limit): """Set the maximum number of pending measurements allowed in the buffer before new measurements are discarded. :param int limit: The maximum number of measurements per batch """ global _max_buffer_size LOGGER.debug('Setting maximum buffer size to %i', limit) _max_buffer_size = limit
def set_max_clients(limit): """Set the maximum number of simultaneous batch submission that can execute in parallel. :param int limit: The maximum number of simultaneous batch submissions """ global _dirty, _max_clients LOGGER.debug('Setting maximum client limit to %i', limit) _dirty = True _max_clients = limit def set_sample_probability(probability): """Set the probability that a batch will be submitted to the InfluxDB server. This should be a value that is greater than or equal to ``0`` and less than or equal to ``1.0``. A value of ``0.25`` would represent a probability of 25% that a batch would be written to InfluxDB. :param float probability: The value between 0 and 1.0 that represents the probability that a batch will be submitted to the InfluxDB server. """ global _sample_probability if not 0.0 <= probability <= 1.0: raise ValueError('Invalid probability value') LOGGER.debug('Setting sample probability to %.2f', probability) _sample_probability = float(probability)
[docs]def set_timeout(milliseconds): """Override the maximum duration to wait for submitting measurements to InfluxDB. :param int milliseconds: Maximum wait in milliseconds """ global _timeout, _timeout_interval LOGGER.debug('Setting batch wait timeout to %i ms', milliseconds) _timeout_interval = milliseconds _maybe_stop_timeout() _timeout = ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_timeout(milliseconds, _on_timeout)
[docs]def set_trigger_size(limit): """Set the number of pending measurements that trigger the writing of data to InfluxDB :param int limit: The minimum number of measurements to trigger a batch """ global _trigger_size LOGGER.debug('Setting trigger buffer size to %i', limit) _trigger_size = limit
[docs]def shutdown(): """Invoke on shutdown of your application to stop the periodic callbacks and flush any remaining metrics. Returns a future that is complete when all pending metrics have been submitted. :rtype: :class:`~tornado.concurrent.Future` """ global _stopping if _stopping: LOGGER.warning('Already shutting down') return _stopping = True _maybe_stop_timeout() return flush()
def _create_http_client(): """Create the HTTP client with authentication credentials if required.""" global _http_client defaults = {'user_agent': USER_AGENT} auth_username, auth_password = _credentials if auth_username and auth_password: defaults['auth_username'] = auth_username defaults['auth_password'] = auth_password _http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient( force_instance=True, defaults=defaults, max_clients=_max_clients) def _flush_wait(flush_future, write_future): """Pause briefly allowing any pending metric writes to complete before shutting down. :param tornado.concurrent.Future flush_future: The future to resolve when the shutdown is complete. :param tornado.concurrent.Future write_future: The future that is for the current batch write operation. """ if write_future.done(): if not _pending_measurements(): flush_future.set_result(True) return else: write_future = _write_measurements() ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_timeout( ioloop.IOLoop.current().time() + 0.25, _flush_wait, flush_future, write_future) def _futures_wait(wait_future, futures): """Waits for all futures to be completed. If the futures are not done, wait 100ms and then invoke itself via the ioloop and check again. If they are done, set a result on `wait_future` indicating the list of futures are done. :param wait_future: The future to complete when all `futures` are done :type wait_future: tornado.concurrent.Future :param list futures: The list of futures to watch for completion """ global _buffer_size, _writing remaining = [] for (future, batch, database, measurements) in futures: # If the future hasn't completed, add it to the remaining stack if not future.done(): remaining.append((future, batch, database, measurements)) continue # Get the result of the HTTP request, processing any errors error = future.exception() if isinstance(error, httpclient.HTTPError): if error.code == 400: _write_error_batch(batch, database, measurements) elif error.code >= 500: _on_5xx_error(batch, error, database, measurements) else: LOGGER.error('Error submitting %s batch %s to InfluxDB (%s): ' '%s', database, batch, error.code, error.response.body) elif isinstance(error, (TimeoutError, OSError, socket.error, select.error, ssl.socket_error)): _on_5xx_error(batch, error, database, measurements) # If there are futures that remain, try again in 100ms. if remaining: return ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_timeout( ioloop.IOLoop.current().time() + 0.1, _futures_wait, wait_future, remaining) else: # Start the next timeout or trigger the next batch _buffer_size = _pending_measurements() LOGGER.debug('Batch submitted, %i measurements remain', _buffer_size) if _buffer_size >= _trigger_size: ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_callback(_trigger_batch_write) elif _buffer_size: _start_timeout() _writing = False wait_future.set_result(True) def _maybe_stop_timeout(): """If there is a pending timeout, remove it from the IOLoop and set the ``_timeout`` global to None. """ global _timeout if _timeout is not None: LOGGER.debug('Removing the pending timeout (%r)', _timeout) ioloop.IOLoop.current().remove_timeout(_timeout) _timeout = None def _maybe_warn_about_buffer_size(): """Check the buffer size and issue a warning if it's too large and a warning has not been issued for more than 60 seconds. """ global _last_warning if not _last_warning: _last_warning = time.time() if _buffer_size > _warn_threshold and (time.time() - _last_warning) > 120: LOGGER.warning('InfluxDB measurement buffer has %i entries', _buffer_size) def _on_5xx_error(batch, error, database, measurements): """Handle a batch submission error, logging the problem and adding the measurements back to the stack. :param str batch: The batch ID :param mixed error: The error that was returned :param str database: The database the submission failed for :param list measurements: The measurements to add back to the stack """'Appending %s measurements to stack due to batch %s %r', database, batch, error) _measurements[database] = _measurements[database] + measurements def _on_timeout(): """Invoked periodically to ensure that metrics that have been collected are submitted to InfluxDB. :rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future or None """ global _buffer_size LOGGER.debug('No metrics submitted in the last %.2f seconds', _timeout_interval / 1000.0) _buffer_size = _pending_measurements() if _buffer_size: return _trigger_batch_write() _start_timeout() def _pending_measurements(): """Return the number of measurements that have not been submitted to InfluxDB. :rtype: int """ return sum([len(_measurements[dbname]) for dbname in _measurements]) def _sample_batch(): """Determine if a batch should be processed and if not, pop off all of the pending metrics for that batch. :rtype: bool """ if _sample_probability == 1.0 or random.random() < _sample_probability: return True # Pop off all the metrics for the batch for database in _measurements: _measurements[database] = _measurements[database][_max_batch_size:] return False def _start_timeout(): """Stop a running timeout if it's there, then create a new one.""" global _timeout LOGGER.debug('Adding a new timeout in %i ms', _timeout_interval) _maybe_stop_timeout() _timeout = ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_timeout( ioloop.IOLoop.current().time() + _timeout_interval / 1000.0, _on_timeout) def _trigger_batch_write(): """Stop a timeout if it's running, and then write the measurements.""" global _batch_future LOGGER.debug('Batch write triggered (%r/%r)', _buffer_size, _trigger_size) _maybe_stop_timeout() _maybe_warn_about_buffer_size() _batch_future = _write_measurements() return _batch_future def _write_measurements(): """Write out all of the metrics in each of the databases, returning a future that will indicate all metrics have been written when that future is done. :rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future """ global _timeout, _writing future = concurrent.Future() if _writing: LOGGER.warning('Currently writing measurements, skipping write') future.set_result(False) elif not _pending_measurements(): future.set_result(True) elif not _sample_batch(): LOGGER.debug('Skipping batch submission due to sampling') future.set_result(True) # Exit early if there's an error condition if future.done(): return future if not _http_client or _dirty: _create_http_client() # Keep track of the futures for each batch submission futures = [] # Submit a batch for each database for database in _measurements: url = '{}?db={}&precision=ms'.format(_base_url, database) # Get the measurements to submit measurements = _measurements[database][:_max_batch_size] # Pop them off the stack of pending measurements _measurements[database] = _measurements[database][_max_batch_size:] # Create the request future LOGGER.debug('Submitting %r measurements to %r', len(measurements), url) request = _http_client.fetch( url, method='POST', body='\n'.join(measurements).encode('utf-8')) # Keep track of each request in our future stack futures.append((request, str(uuid.uuid4()), database, measurements)) # Start the wait cycle for all the requests to complete _writing = True _futures_wait(future, futures) return future def _write_error_batch(batch, database, measurements): """Invoked when a batch submission fails, this method will submit one measurement to InfluxDB. It then adds a timeout to the IOLoop which will invoke :meth:`_write_error_batch_wait` which will evaluate the result and then determine what to do next. :param str batch: The batch ID for correlation purposes :param str database: The database name for the measurements :param list measurements: The measurements that failed to write as a batch """ if not measurements:'All %s measurements from batch %s processed', database, batch) return LOGGER.debug('Processing batch %s for %s by measurement, %i left', batch, database, len(measurements)) url = '{}?db={}&precision=ms'.format(_base_url, database) measurement = measurements.pop(0) # Create the request future future = _http_client.fetch( url, method='POST', body=measurement.encode('utf-8')) # Check in 25ms to see if it's done ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_timeout( ioloop.IOLoop.current().time() + 0.025, _write_error_batch_wait, future, batch, database, measurement, measurements) def _write_error_batch_wait(future, batch, database, measurement, measurements): """Invoked by the IOLoop, this method checks if the HTTP request future created by :meth:`_write_error_batch` is done. If it's done it will evaluate the result, logging any error and moving on to the next measurement. If there are no measurements left in the `measurements` argument, it will consider the batch complete. :param tornado.concurrent.Future future: The AsyncHTTPClient request future :param str batch: The batch ID :param str database: The database name for the measurements :param str measurement: The measurement the future is for :param list measurements: The measurements that failed to write as a batch """ if not future.done(): ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_timeout( ioloop.IOLoop.current().time() + 0.025, _write_error_batch_wait, future, batch, database, measurement, measurements) return error = future.exception() if isinstance(error, httpclient.HTTPError): if error.code == 400: LOGGER.error('Error writing %s measurement from batch %s to ' 'InfluxDB (%s): %s', database, batch, error.code, error.response.body)'Bad %s measurement from batch %s: %s', database, batch, measurement) else: LOGGER.error('Error submitting individual metric for %s from ' 'batch %s to InfluxDB (%s): %s', database, batch, error.code) measurements = measurements + [measurement] elif isinstance(error, (TimeoutError, OSError, socket.error, select.error, ssl.socket_error)): LOGGER.error('Error submitting individual metric for %s from batch ' '%s to InfluxDB (%s)', database, batch, error) _write_error_batch(batch, database, measurements + [measurement]) measurements = measurements + [measurement] if not measurements:'All %s measurements from batch %s processed', database, batch) return # Continue writing measurements _write_error_batch(batch, database, measurements)
[docs]class Measurement(object): """The :class:`Measurement` class represents what will become a single row in an InfluxDB database. Measurements are added to InfluxDB via the :meth:`~sprockets_influxdb.add_measurement` method. Example: .. code:: python import sprockets_influxdb as influxdb measurement = Measurement('database-name', 'measurement-name') measurement.set_tag('foo', 'bar') measurement.set_field('baz', 1.05) influxdb.add_measurement(measurement) :param str database: The database name to use when submitting :param str name: The measurement name """ def __init__(self, database, name): self.database = database = name self.fields = {} self.tags = dict(_base_tags) self.timestamp = time.time()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def duration(self, name): """Record the time it takes to run an arbitrary code block. :param str name: The field name to record the timing in This method returns a context manager that records the amount of time spent inside of the context, adding the timing to the measurement. """ start = time.time() try: yield finally: self.set_field(name, max(time.time(), start) - start)
[docs] def marshall(self): """Return the measurement in the line protocol format. :rtype: str """ return '{},{} {} {}'.format( self._escape(, ','.join(['{}={}'.format(self._escape(k), self._escape(v)) for k, v in self.tags.items()]), self._marshall_fields(), int(self.timestamp * 1000))
[docs] def set_field(self, name, value): """Set the value of a field in the measurement. :param str name: The name of the field to set the value for :param int|float|bool|str value: The value of the field :raises: ValueError """ if not any([isinstance(value, t) for t in {int, float, bool, str}]): LOGGER.debug('Invalid field value: %r', value) raise ValueError('Value must be a str, bool, integer, or float') self.fields[name] = value
[docs] def set_tag(self, name, value): """Set a tag on the measurement. :param str name: name of the tag to set :param str value: value to assign This will overwrite the current value assigned to a tag if one exists. """ self.tags[name] = value
[docs] def set_tags(self, tags): """Set multiple tags for the measurement. :param dict tags: Tag key/value pairs to assign This will overwrite the current value assigned to a tag if one exists with the same name. """ for key, value in tags.items(): self.set_tag(key, value)
[docs] def set_timestamp(self, value): """Override the timestamp of a measurement. :param float value: The timestamp to assign to the measurement """ self.timestamp = value
@staticmethod def _escape(value): """Escape a string (key or value) for InfluxDB's line protocol. :param str|int|float|bool value: The value to be escaped :rtype: str """ value = str(value) for char, escaped in {' ': '\ ', ',': '\,', '"': '\"'}.items(): value = value.replace(char, escaped) return value def _marshall_fields(self): """Convert the field dict into the string segment of field key/value pairs. :rtype: str """ values = {} for key, value in self.fields.items(): if (isinstance(value, int) or (isinstance(value, str) and value.isdigit() and '.' not in value)): values[key] = '{}i'.format(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): values[key] = self._escape(value) elif isinstance(value, float): values[key] = '{}'.format(value) elif isinstance(value, str): values[key] = '"{}"'.format(self._escape(value)) return ','.join(['{}={}'.format(self._escape(k), v) for k, v in values.items()])